Science is my life. Let it be yours!

The word science, from the Latin Scientia, means knowledge. Being quite simplistic, we define science as all systematic knowledge based on an organised method that can be gained and proven through research. And being a little more lyrical, it’s a path to consistent and reliable answers. For the truth!

Science is undeniably present in our routine, whether buying a headache medicine or choosing processed food.

Its main fuel is curiosity. Because it is thanks to it that advances do not stop happening. Every year, I see an avalanche of new techniques, equipment, and products at every congress I attend.

However, in times of trivialising medical and aesthetic procedures, with franchises in malls offering true miracles, it is essential to remember that what happens on Instagram is not necessarily science! And that realising the quality of the information, questioning the professional, and even understanding their purpose in life is extremely necessary!

But why am I talking about this, you may be wondering…

I have devoted my life to learning about the world and science, particularly Medicinal Chemistry.
However, in times of trivialising medical advice on covid vaccines and dangerous, modern healthcare trends – where treatments are decided by celebrities and not educated professionals, it is crucial that we take a stand for what we know to be true.

Internet has made knowledge and information available to millions of people anywhere in the world and at any time. As a result, there’s been a surge in popularity in social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, where anyone can keep updated with the news.

Science is under attack: from the anti-vaccination movement to creationism and climate-change denial, some communities deny scientific findings on ideological, religious, or even financial grounds. While this trend is not a new problem, recent advances in communication technology and access to international media have exacerbated the issue – e.g., the ability to promote fake news and conspiracy theories via Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

 These stories sadden me. When I chose this area of study and work, it was because I believed that we could build a better future. And I really want to continue believing…

That’s why my big request is: don’t hand over your health to those who don’t have the scientific basis to take care of you! So always opt for professionals with proven training!

If there’s one thing we need to learn from the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s that science needs to be taken seriously.


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Stephane Bandeira

🧪 I’m an Oncologist Medicinal Chemist, changing my own corner of the world, one molecule at a time.
💊 Medical Affairs and Project Manager

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