PhD: 4 years later!

Exactly 4 years ago, I defended my thesis and became a Doctor! These past few years have been wild in so many ways but I can now also say 2017 was the year I completed the most difficult task of my life.

Getting a PhD is never easy, but it’s fair to say that it gives you a set of skills that other types of education will not provide you with and PhDs are often seen as a continued education rather than work experience.

It has been the most transformative, enjoyable and challenging journey I have embarked on, but it has been worth it. Intellectually, it has been a brilliant experience and I have loved it. Mentally, it has been much more challenging.

Earning a PhD is hard, it can be a burden on your mental health, you earn barely enough money to survive, feel constant pressure/criticism and, it’s hard to really see the light at the end of the tunnel (because the tunnel only ends when your committee tells you it can end). However, it can also be a lot of fun if you’re working alongside great people and have a good support system, which I definitely did!

It’s important to keep up a healthy lifestyle, make friends, enjoy hobbies outside the lab and not take yourself (or others) too seriously.

My PhD was exhausting, and the years after were not a good time in my life. Things did not go well, and I faced up to several failures, each time having to change my path.

Given the number of opportunities I’ve had to try again, I think I’m pretty lucky (although you do make your luck to some extent; I made some good choices actively).

Well, it took a little while, but I think I have a decent handle on things now. I am so proud of and grateful for where I am today. I worked hard to get here and it certainly hasn’t been easy, but it was worth it. Everything was worth it. Now I look forward to continuing in project management, publishing and working to make science open, inclusive and accessible. And publish a few posts on LinkedIn as well.

I wanted to write this post to reflect on these psot PhD years and because I know so many great PhDs that are in the same situation I found myself into about 4 years ago. So I thought I could help whoever needs to hear this, Life after the PhD: It’s waiting for you!

I wanted to write this post because I know so many great PhDs that are in the same situation I found myself into about 4 years ago. So I thought I could help whoever needs to hear this.

And you? How has your post PhD experience been?


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Stephane Bandeira

🧪 I’m an Oncologist Medicinal Chemist, changing my own corner of the world, one molecule at a time.
💊 Medical Affairs and Project Manager

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