International Women in Science Day

Did you know we celebrate International Women in Science day today?

Established by the United Nations in 2016, this day sheds light on a topic that we still need to discuss: according to UNESCO (2018), only 28% of researchers and scientists are women.

As a medicinal chemist (and scientist), looking at history and identifying those that inspire us in the hard work of doing science is a way of showing gratitude and acknowledging their accomplishments.

Perhaps Marie Cure is the most recognized scientist to date for her discoveries have influenced several areas and the first woman to win a Nobel. The first person to receive such a feat in two different categories: chemistry and physics.

Another researcher who made an outstanding contribution to science was Rosalind Franklin but often forgotten, and her work credited to male researchers in the 1962 Nobel Prize.

The list of great women scientists who have contributed to science is extensive: Gladys West, Flossie Wong-Staal, Chien-Shiung Wu, Ada Lovelace, Brazilians Nise da Silveira, Bertha Luz and Mayara Zatz.

I leave my recognition to these brilliant women, who inspire us to make a difference even in the difficulties we face.

If you want to support women in Science, visit this amazing organization: 500WS or invite women to your scientific engagement- you can find amazing women there. 


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Stephane Bandeira

🧪 I’m an Oncologist Medicinal Chemist, changing my own corner of the world, one molecule at a time.
💊 Medical Affairs and Project Manager

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