Adverse Events: a book by Jill Fisher

Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals

As someone who spends a good deal of my time thinking about research ethics, I was excited to read Jill Fisher’s Adverse Events, as it takes the ethics of clinical trials as one of its subjects. My expectations were largely met by the book: Fisher explores in depth how phase I clinical trials work, why they are needed, what kind of risks people take when they participate in them and so on. One of the best books on medical sociology I have ever read.

Fisher’s purpose for writing this book is to increase public understanding of how clinical trials are conducted and increase public discussion of the ethical side of medical research. The author does an excellent job supporting this goal through accounts of events and stories. In addition, this book offers valuable insights into the ethics of clinical trials and how everyday people can make a difference in the process.

Overall, Jill Fisher’s Adverse Events is a balanced and well-written book, offers a critical analysis of issues and problems surrounding clinical trials, and would appeal to fans of science books who want to read about the ethical side of clinical research.

This is a great book for anyone who is in the industry or training to become a health care professional.


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Stephane Bandeira

🧪 I’m an Oncologist Medicinal Chemist, changing my own corner of the world, one molecule at a time.
💊 Medical Affairs and Project Manager

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